Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hmmm, well Hallmark was once famously the company that never fired or layed anyone off, ever. Then along came the Internet, and now they do that (and are struggling). There is such a thing as an e-Chapbook, but it is simply another name for a blog article.

Have you considered using Createspace to create free or $0.99 Kindle books on Amazon instead? They would probably have much greater impact, and you would get statistics on how well your mini-books are doing compared to other mini-books on Amazon. So you could measure your impact.

Have you considered writing chapbooks or e-chapbooks on economics or statistics themes instead? This is the Dilbert theory (the author of Dilbert espoused at point on career success). Lots of chapbook writers out there, lots of folk musicians out there, but very few good folk musicians who are also good economists, etc., So you should combine the two....

So can you do a chapbook or e-chapbook on economics themes? Statistics themes?