Thursday, May 2, 2019

hippie lou - i find that people make the best possible decisions with all of the information and experience they have have at the time that they made the decision.  i also often find that later (days, weeks or years later) these same people have new information - that they didn't have then - and they judge their past decisions through the lens of their knew information - and then have regret in the choice that they made (before they had the new information).  but i also blv that if we could go back in time - knowing what we knew then - that we would make the same choices again and again.  so regret is based on a non reality - because we didn't know then what we know now. 

lastly my dear and treasured friend - after i left you i thought about my mentioning work - and i wondered if i was being selfish while i was thinking that i was being helpful.  i would never want to be a trigger to you having any kind of unwell health. 

thanks for a great and fun evening.  hugs.