Wednesday, October 16, 2019

contact me whenever you want, of course.

Dear hippie Lou. again, it was a pleasure to have you over and with that in mind I just wanted to let you know what my schedule is for the upcoming in case you might want to come have lunch or dinner. I don't know if you've seen the documentary on the grateful Dead oh, I forget the name of it. But I think it would be something really fun to watch together. I was actually really moved and pleased the first time I saw it so I want to see it again and have it on my computer.

Without saying, I'll say it that I hope you are doing well and thriving despite the system being what it is.

What I can say unequivocally is that since we got together my perspective has changed a bit going from more negative to more positive and patience. I really have to learn to slow down because I see that in you and we have such similar histories.

Take Good Care and contact me whenever you want, of course

Peace and love,