Wednesday, June 12, 2013

#commoncondition #cc #peripateticskool #myshepherd #isthebestshepherdevah!!

Dear David,

Working with you this weeks has been an amazing experience but it has also been a test to my physical and mental strength.

God is my strength but I know that I can't ask him for a miracle in order to do my will and follow my dreams.

I have to listen to my body. The colonoscopy drained me physically and mentally. I haven't been sleeping and resting enough hours, nor eating as I should and need.

My priority is to work in my wellness in order to be healthy and able to be at service of others.

You are now in an excellent program at Bellevue and started new medication that is going to help to you. That was my main goal for you.

I'm not only your "recovery coach" but above all your friend, a peer and at this point I can say without doubt that you have become like a brother to me.
I don't think I have to say because I rather just show it, but I want you to know that you can always count on me, my love for you is unconditional.

Your peripatetic school is teaching more than Harvard and your life is giving me invaluable lessons that I would always keep in my heart.

We have a big trip ahead of us and I'm praying for everything to go smooth.
I ask your 100% cooperation and to keep trusting in me, I just want to protect you and I will look for your best interest.

I pray that God blesses you and guide you on every step you take in life.

With deep admiration and gratitude,

anything you every want or ever need, including my cooperation, you have from me, 110%.  I love you and I thank God every moment for having you in my life.  You give me one thing my loving mother could not give, and my life is now complete.  I am in awe of your grace and your mercy.  With much love, David

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