Tuesday, August 29, 2017

i can't help thinking that our "love sandwich" had something to do with it.

hi Sandy,

sincere apologies, i've been remiss in thanking you for everything - your visit, your love, your loving hospitality, the beautiful set of curated pictures you sent me a few days ago.  i will treasure you and your visit for a long long time; eternally, most likely.

i was just thinking of you because i had occasion to spend a minute with Shash a few mornings ago; she has a completely different energy, and walked away with a real bounce in her step.  her body language is very different than it has been in the last several years; her shoulders are back, and her head is up.  i can't help thinking that our "love sandwich" had something to do with it, and she talked about how our afternoon together was making a huge difference in her outlook and her life.  it was a good feeling, the power of human connection and "good" souls coming together to lift each other up.

i've been in a bit of a blue streak for the last week, and when your email arrived in the early am it hit me - maybe i'm having a withdrawal from all of the beautiful heart-soul energy i experienced while you were here.  suffice it to say, i am missing you too!

the last week has been one full of stuff which i'm not usually accustomed to...administrative tasks associated with me getting my first layer of maslovian needs through various public and private institutions.  it's not my first choice for the architecture of my world going forward, but in the interim, as i work on getting a 21st century mendicancy program put together, it's an important layer of safety that can keep me happy and healthy for the time being.

i absolutely love the picture of you taken against the white-bordered rectangles and the red metal siding.  very meta!

i have not forgotten about our ivy wall project, and hope to get moving forward with putting together some composites for you and sending them along.  thanks for gently reminding me about it, and feel free to do so in the future.  it's a very important project to me and i think we're destined to work on it together for the benefit of, hopefully, the universe and/or a few souls in it.

with kind regards and love always, hippie lou