Thursday, July 13, 2017

i also am very concerned about endangering the harmony of my living situation.

i have left keys to my apartment with a friend

if, in emergency, or in respite, you would like to stay there, you are welcome, on a few conditions....

i know these things are more or less out of your control but there is a crotchety crazy super and a loud drunk neighbor so PLEASE do not come if you feel it might be difficult to encounter these types of people.   PLEASE.   i am very torn because i want you to have a lovely place to relax and noodle around and feel the jersey breeze, but i also am very concerned about endangering the harmony of my living situation.     please use your best judgment.

and please be ready to vacate by july 6 because we're gonna come home in a hot mess

if you want to arrange to pick up keys from my friend you can call him

please keep me posted either way