Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A rising tide, us.

i don’t want a big pile of money in the bank
or a 401K
or a big house
or a nice car.

all i want is 10 or 20 ppl
I can take care of
and they of me.
perhaps a different twenty,
depending on the hour,
the day, the month, or the year.

20 i can love, and they me.
20 I can create with
20 I can sing with
And they with me.

And a few more things
The time
The where-with-all
The passion
The energy
The freedom
the good health
To do it with.
And the
To do it in.

A space
By taxes and tolls
For dipshit wars
For dipshit k-12 experiences
That bulldoze the minds
And spirits
Of countless generations

We can all
Raise each other’s boats
A rising tide, us.
We can learn from,
teach each other,
We can love one another.

Just 10 or 20 Ppl
and hectares, perhaps?
That’s all.

If it’s more,
it’ll be icing
On the cake.

A simple life
A life worth living
A world worth living in.