Saturday, September 1, 2012

and lo and behold, there she was standing before me.

was playing on first ave yesterday in front of Polish GI Delicatessen…along comes a little girl with her seemingly harried mom…precocious little thing, didn’t think she’d stop but she told her mom she wanted to and lo and behold, there she was standing before me. asked me what i was playing but i really couldn’t hear the “what”…it kind of sounded like “why”…but anyway i asked her if she knew any songs and she requested abcdefghijk el-emeno-p qrstuvwxyz…forgot that abc’s are recited to a melody…my daughter is 22 so it’s been a while…so i said hey, ho, let’s go…started it out and played it by ear…i think i only made one mistake…pretty happy about that because it shows my ear is coming along…then she requested twinkle twinkle little star…we rocked that with no mistakes…then little precocious girl walked south, disappearing into the late afternoon sun…
