Tuesday, September 11, 2012

maybe the universe has some secret plan for me?

i'll be completely straight up -- girls mystify me, women too. always have. all i know is that i love love, i love intimacy, it's beautiful.

not getting much play these days; it's lonely, i can't lie. i'd really like to have some in my life, and i've got a lot of love to share. maybe the universe has some secret plan for me?

currently modeling my life after johnny appleseed -- making use of what's around, what's available, whilst trying to plant and tend a multitude of orchards.

some people see beauty in nature, i see it in people. i'm a big fan of surprises, and leave lots of unscheduled time in every day to avail myself of (seemingly) random encounters.

what I’m doing with my life:


-playing guitar
-helping creators, discoverers, seekers, and other nice & interesting people
-working to change the world so it isn't so hard for people to be who they are and do what they love to do
-inspiring my daughter (hopefully!)

i’m really good at:

letting the universe order my steps, going with the flow/undertow, swimming upstream, following my flip flops, letting the moon turn my tides gently, gently away.